
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Bauchop Brothers of Sauchie

Tobias Bauchop's house. Pic from Richard Sutcliffe / Geograph. It was a 17th century master stone mason who first carved out a reputation for the Bauchops of Clackmannanshire. Tobias Bauchop's craftwork was in demand across Scotland and his home, his intials and those of his wife Margaret Lapsley above the door, still stands in Alloa's Kirkgate. Some 200 years later, two more Wee County Bauchops would found fame in Scotland and beyond, but by virtue of their skills with their feet. The story of these footballing Bauchops begins in Sauchie and the birth in 1882 of William, a second son for Jean and Robert. James followed in 1886. The boys found work in old Clackmannanshire industries. The turn of the century finds William as a dishmaker and 14 year old James as a woolen millworker, although like so many Sauchie folk in this era, he would also find his way down a mine. William had also emerged as a flying winger with Sauchie Juniors, where his elder brother Robert was ...